Helping You Grow To Your Fullest Potential
Sometimes, in the confusing complexity of life choices that surround us, we just need a sympathetic person to hear us expound our own possibilities. Should we do this or that ? Should we become this or that ? What would be the likely consequences if we decide to go for this opportunity, instead of that ? Advice can be given and probable outcomes divulged. The final choice is always up to us, but diving tools and decision-making grids can be learned that make our choices a great deal simpler.
Sometimes it feels that we need to draw down higher powers to sort out the karmic mess we might have gotten into. Sometimes we feel friendless, alone and abandoned even by those who once supported us. Even our faith can wear thin from time to time and we may attempt to fill up our life with addictions and foolish games. Using a whole range of transpersonal therapeutic tools the counselor will guide the client into a whole new range of possibilities for soul-growth that they might not have thought of or even realised existed before.
Philosophical Counselling
When confronted with difficult ethical and moral choices in life, it is not always best to look for far distant spiritual reorientations if the answer is much closer to home: inside our own reasoning processes. Transpersonal therapy does not work in opposition to rational thought, but works up to the very limits that rationality is capable of operating at. In Philosophical counselling we seek to use our logical and reasoning processes to find solutions to our difficulties. Only once we have exhausted our rational scientific and medical protocols should we turn to the transpersonal sources of direction and guidance.
HOW WE WORKTranspersonal Therapy
Self Healing in a Dyadic interplay
Listening is a two way street. Diagnosis means literally "knowledge flowing between". Gnosis is the inner knowing we achieve, the aha moment, when we elevate our personal problems to a higher cosmic plane of knowing and we see the microcosmic problems we are facing as part of a bigger challenge facing the macrocosm.
Medical research has shown that whatever physical illness symptoms we are displaying in our lives, their healing can be helped by a complementary course of transpersonal therapeutic healing sessions, which can address the underlying spiritual, emotional and psychological dimensions of our illness. Conventional medicine is only now beginning to realise that much of healing is self-healing and that conventional scientific medicine has for too long based itself on purely materialist paradigms which do not in fact enlist the healing powers of the soul. Christian, Sufi, Qabalistic, Buddhist and Druid healing traditions, on the other hand, also work with the transpersonal over-soul and the healing powers of Divine Love.
Theoretical framework
Transpersonal therapy combines the best of ancient and modern scientific and spiritual thinking and practice guided towards the healing arts, taking as a starting point the reality of the psychic and spiritual lives we experience as human beings, souls incarnated into a world of soul-making, and draws on a whole range of traditions and intellectual and spiritual traditions to effect its therapeutic work. |
Among the following thinkers have inspired our ongoing work:
Carl Jung
Abraham Maslow
Stan Grof
David Miller
R.D. Laing
Sigmund Freud
Abe, Masao
Abellio, Raymond
Abrams, David
Achoui, Mustapha
Adams, Michael Vannoy
Aizenstat, Stephen Ph.D.,
Alawneh, Shafiq
Anderson, Walter
Asher, Charles
Asianand, Sri
Avens, Robert
Awad, Mubarak,
Bache, Christopher
Badri, Malik
Baez, Joan
Balasuriya, Stanislaus Tissa
Barcellos, Gustavo
Beebe, John M.D
Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin
Berkovits, Elie
Berners-Lee, Sir Tim
Berry, Patricia, Ph.D.,
Berry, Thomas
Bertelsen, Jes
Billington, James
Binns, E. Randall
Birnbaum, Lucia Chiavola
Bishop, Peter
Bishop, Peter D.
Blair, Lawrence
Bleakley, Alan
Bloom, William
Bly, Robert (1926-)
Boff, Clodovis
Boff, Leonardo,
Bolen, Jean Shinoda M.D.
Bonino, Jose Miguez
Boorstein, Seymour
Borella, Jean
Bosnak, Robert
Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab
Bredsdorff, Thomas
Brown, Joseph Epes
Caplan, Mariana
Capra, Fritjhof
Carrington, Patricia
Casey, Edward
Cashford, Jules,
Chattopadhyaya, D.P.
Chodorow, Joan
Chomsky, Noam (1928-)
Chumakov, Prof A.N
Cobb, Noel
Codrescu, Andrei
Cohen, Andrew
Cohn, Norman (1915-)
Collins, Brendan
Collins, John J.
Cox, Revd. David
Crampton, Martha
Critchlow, Keith.
Crook, John H.
Cunningham, Adrian
Curle, Adam
Cutsinger, James
Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso,
Danielou, Alan
de Castillejo, Irene Claremont
de Vries, Hendrika M.A.,
Deslauriers, Daniel
Devall, Bill
Dilworth, David A
Doty, William
Downing, Christine
Dyer, Donald
Dzhohadze, Prof
Edwards, Rev.Dennis
Eisler, Rianne
Elder, George R. Ph.D.
Elworthy, Scilla
Evans, Richard
Fadiman, James
Ferguson, Marilyn
Ferrer, Jorge
Fields, Rick
Flowers, Betty Sue
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Warwick
Frager, Robert
Frankel, Richard
Freke, Timothy
Frey-Rohn, Liliane,
Fukuyama, Francis
Gachev, Georgi
Gagnon, Serge
Galtung, Johan
Gambini, Roberto
Gardner, Howard
Garrison, Jim
Garufi, Bianca
Giegerich, Wolfgang
Girard, Rene
Girusov, Prof Eduard
Godwin, Joscelyn
Goleman, Daniel
Gombrich, Richard
Gooch, Stan
Gorbachev, Mikhael
Gordon, Rosemary
Gore, Al
Greenwood, Susan
Griffin, Susan
Grof, Stanislav
Guggenbühl, Allan
Guttierez, Gustavo (1928 - )
Habermas, Jurgen (1929-)
Haddick, Vern
Haggar, Nicholas
Halifax, Joan
Hall, Nor
Halligan, Frederica
Hamilton, Clive, Ph.D.
Hanh, Thich Nhat
Hannegraaf, Walter
Haque, Amber
Harman, Wilis
Herman, Paul E.
Heron, John
Herzog, Edgar
Higuchi, Kazuhiko,
Hillman, James (1926-)
Hills, Christopher DSc
Hinton, Alexander Laban
Hixon, Lex
Hocoy, Dan Ph.D.,
Hoffman, Albert
Hogan, Christine
Holm, N.
Holt, David
Horvath, Tibor S.J.
Houston, Jean
Hubbard, Barbara Marx
Hussar, Bruno, (1912-)
Ichazo, Oscar
Ikeda, Daisaku
Illich, Ivan
Inyushin, Victor Dr
Jenks, Kathleen Ph. D
Johnston, Charles M.D
Johnston, William, S.J.
Jonas, Hans
Jones, Ken
Kapacinskas, T.J.
Kelly, Sean
Kidel, Mark
Kingsley, Peter
Kirsch, Thomas B.
Knight, Gareth
Krippner, Stanley
Kugler, Paul
Kuhn, Thomas
Kumar, Satish
Kung, Hans
Kushi, Michio 1926 -
Ladurie, Le Roy (1929-)
Langgulung, Hassan
Laptev, I
Lawlor, Robert
Layard, John,
Leonard, George
Levin, Michal
Lindholm, Stig
Lorenz, Helene
Macy, Joana,
Mampra, Thomas
Mandela, Nelson
Marlan, Stanto
Martin, Daniel
Mc Allister, B.
McConeghey, Howard
McCullagh, C Behan
McDermott, Robert
Meade, Michael
Meador, Betty Ph.D
Metzner, Ralph
Meurs, Jos.
Miller, David
Mintz, Elizabeth
Miranda, Jose
Mogenson, Greg
Moltmann, Jurgen (1926 - )
Montagu, Ashley
Moore, Robert
Moore, Thomas
Muhaiyaddeen, M.R.Bawa
Naess, Arne
Naranjo, Claudio
Nasr, S. H
Naumov, Edward,
Needleman, Jacob
Nehru, Pandit
Neusner, Jacob
Niwwano, Rev. Nikkyo
Noll, Richard, PhD.
Obayashi, Hiroshi
Odin, Steve
Olivier, Richard,
Orr, Leonard,
Pagels, Elaine
Papadopoulos, R.
Pardo, Enrique
Paris, Ginette,
Parrish, Rev. Carol
Passy, Stan
Paul, Dr. Robert A.
Peat, David
Peck, M. Scott (1936 - )
Pedersen, Loren E. Ph.D
Perry, John Weir,
Perry, Whitall
Peters, F.E
Peterson, Dr. Jordan B.
Phelps, Janice
Phipps, John-Francis (1933- )
Piatigorsky, Alexander
Powell, Robert
Powell, Robert
Progoff, Dr. Ira,
Puharich, Andrija Henry, M.D
Quispel, Giles,
Ratzinger, Cardinal
Rejdak, Dr. Zdenek,
Roerich, Helena Ivanovna
Romanyshyn, Robert
Roscoe, Will,
Rossbach, Stefan
Rossetti, Dr Francesca
Roszak, Theodore
Rowan, John
Rubinstein, Richard,
Ryan, Jim
Ryzl, Milan,
Safi, Louay M
Samuels, Andrew Prof.
San Roque, Craig Ph.D
Sanford, Rev. John A.
Sangharakshita, Ven Maha Sthavira
Sardello, Robert
Segundo, Juan Luis,
Selby, Peter
Sells, Benjamin
Sergeyev, Genady
Sessions, George
Shamas, Laura Annawyn
Shamdasani, Sonu,
Shehu, Salisu
Sheldrake, Rupert
Sinetar, Marsha
Singer, Thomas M.D.
Sircar, Rina
Skinner, Quentin
Skolimowski, Henryk
Smith, Huston
Smith, Morton
Sobrino, Jan
Some, Malidoma
Somé, Sobonfu
Spangler, David
Spiegelman, J. Marvin
Spretnak, Charlene
Stein, Murray
Stepanyants, Marietta
Stevens, Anthony
Still, Suzan
Stoddart, William
Stone, Merlin
Storr, Anthony
Stroud, Joanne,
Sutherland, R. L.
Sutherland, Stewart
Swimme, Brian
Swing, Bishop William E.
Tarnas, Richard
Tart, Charles T.
Taylor, Charles
Thomas, Barbara Earl
Thomas, Gail PhD
Thompson, William Irwin
Thurman, Robert A.F.
Tompkins, Peter
Torbert, Bill
Trammell, Robert
Tutu, Desmond
Ulansey, David Ph.D.
Vaughan, Francis
Ventura, Michael,
Verner, Tom
Von Riberstein, Johannes Rogalla
Wagar, Warren
Walsh, Roger Roger
Wapnick, Kenneth
Warner, Marina
Washburn, Michael
Wasson, R. Gordon
Watkins, Mary,
Weisstub, Eli M.D
Welwood, John
Whan, Michael,
Whitfield, Carol
Whitmore, Diana
Whitney, Dr. Elizabeth
Wiener, Philip
Wilber, Ken,
Wilkinson, Tanya,
Williams, Rowan, Dr.
Williamson, Mariane
Wilmer, Harry A.
Wilson, Colin
Wollheim, Richard,
Woolger, Roger Ph.D
Young, Dudley,
Zohar, Danah
Zoia, Luigi
Zweig, Connie
Carl Jung
Abraham Maslow
Stan Grof
David Miller
R.D. Laing
Sigmund Freud
Abe, Masao
Abellio, Raymond
Abrams, David
Achoui, Mustapha
Adams, Michael Vannoy
Aizenstat, Stephen Ph.D.,
Alawneh, Shafiq
Anderson, Walter
Asher, Charles
Asianand, Sri
Avens, Robert
Awad, Mubarak,
Bache, Christopher
Badri, Malik
Baez, Joan
Balasuriya, Stanislaus Tissa
Barcellos, Gustavo
Beebe, John M.D
Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin
Berkovits, Elie
Berners-Lee, Sir Tim
Berry, Patricia, Ph.D.,
Berry, Thomas
Bertelsen, Jes
Billington, James
Binns, E. Randall
Birnbaum, Lucia Chiavola
Bishop, Peter
Bishop, Peter D.
Blair, Lawrence
Bleakley, Alan
Bloom, William
Bly, Robert (1926-)
Boff, Clodovis
Boff, Leonardo,
Bolen, Jean Shinoda M.D.
Bonino, Jose Miguez
Boorstein, Seymour
Borella, Jean
Bosnak, Robert
Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab
Bredsdorff, Thomas
Brown, Joseph Epes
Caplan, Mariana
Capra, Fritjhof
Carrington, Patricia
Casey, Edward
Cashford, Jules,
Chattopadhyaya, D.P.
Chodorow, Joan
Chomsky, Noam (1928-)
Chumakov, Prof A.N
Cobb, Noel
Codrescu, Andrei
Cohen, Andrew
Cohn, Norman (1915-)
Collins, Brendan
Collins, John J.
Cox, Revd. David
Crampton, Martha
Critchlow, Keith.
Crook, John H.
Cunningham, Adrian
Curle, Adam
Cutsinger, James
Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso,
Danielou, Alan
de Castillejo, Irene Claremont
de Vries, Hendrika M.A.,
Deslauriers, Daniel
Devall, Bill
Dilworth, David A
Doty, William
Downing, Christine
Dyer, Donald
Dzhohadze, Prof
Edwards, Rev.Dennis
Eisler, Rianne
Elder, George R. Ph.D.
Elworthy, Scilla
Evans, Richard
Fadiman, James
Ferguson, Marilyn
Ferrer, Jorge
Fields, Rick
Flowers, Betty Sue
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Warwick
Frager, Robert
Frankel, Richard
Freke, Timothy
Frey-Rohn, Liliane,
Fukuyama, Francis
Gachev, Georgi
Gagnon, Serge
Galtung, Johan
Gambini, Roberto
Gardner, Howard
Garrison, Jim
Garufi, Bianca
Giegerich, Wolfgang
Girard, Rene
Girusov, Prof Eduard
Godwin, Joscelyn
Goleman, Daniel
Gombrich, Richard
Gooch, Stan
Gorbachev, Mikhael
Gordon, Rosemary
Gore, Al
Greenwood, Susan
Griffin, Susan
Grof, Stanislav
Guggenbühl, Allan
Guttierez, Gustavo (1928 - )
Habermas, Jurgen (1929-)
Haddick, Vern
Haggar, Nicholas
Halifax, Joan
Hall, Nor
Halligan, Frederica
Hamilton, Clive, Ph.D.
Hanh, Thich Nhat
Hannegraaf, Walter
Haque, Amber
Harman, Wilis
Herman, Paul E.
Heron, John
Herzog, Edgar
Higuchi, Kazuhiko,
Hillman, James (1926-)
Hills, Christopher DSc
Hinton, Alexander Laban
Hixon, Lex
Hocoy, Dan Ph.D.,
Hoffman, Albert
Hogan, Christine
Holm, N.
Holt, David
Horvath, Tibor S.J.
Houston, Jean
Hubbard, Barbara Marx
Hussar, Bruno, (1912-)
Ichazo, Oscar
Ikeda, Daisaku
Illich, Ivan
Inyushin, Victor Dr
Jenks, Kathleen Ph. D
Johnston, Charles M.D
Johnston, William, S.J.
Jonas, Hans
Jones, Ken
Kapacinskas, T.J.
Kelly, Sean
Kidel, Mark
Kingsley, Peter
Kirsch, Thomas B.
Knight, Gareth
Krippner, Stanley
Kugler, Paul
Kuhn, Thomas
Kumar, Satish
Kung, Hans
Kushi, Michio 1926 -
Ladurie, Le Roy (1929-)
Langgulung, Hassan
Laptev, I
Lawlor, Robert
Layard, John,
Leonard, George
Levin, Michal
Lindholm, Stig
Lorenz, Helene
Macy, Joana,
Mampra, Thomas
Mandela, Nelson
Marlan, Stanto
Martin, Daniel
Mc Allister, B.
McConeghey, Howard
McCullagh, C Behan
McDermott, Robert
Meade, Michael
Meador, Betty Ph.D
Metzner, Ralph
Meurs, Jos.
Miller, David
Mintz, Elizabeth
Miranda, Jose
Mogenson, Greg
Moltmann, Jurgen (1926 - )
Montagu, Ashley
Moore, Robert
Moore, Thomas
Muhaiyaddeen, M.R.Bawa
Naess, Arne
Naranjo, Claudio
Nasr, S. H
Naumov, Edward,
Needleman, Jacob
Nehru, Pandit
Neusner, Jacob
Niwwano, Rev. Nikkyo
Noll, Richard, PhD.
Obayashi, Hiroshi
Odin, Steve
Olivier, Richard,
Orr, Leonard,
Pagels, Elaine
Papadopoulos, R.
Pardo, Enrique
Paris, Ginette,
Parrish, Rev. Carol
Passy, Stan
Paul, Dr. Robert A.
Peat, David
Peck, M. Scott (1936 - )
Pedersen, Loren E. Ph.D
Perry, John Weir,
Perry, Whitall
Peters, F.E
Peterson, Dr. Jordan B.
Phelps, Janice
Phipps, John-Francis (1933- )
Piatigorsky, Alexander
Powell, Robert
Powell, Robert
Progoff, Dr. Ira,
Puharich, Andrija Henry, M.D
Quispel, Giles,
Ratzinger, Cardinal
Rejdak, Dr. Zdenek,
Roerich, Helena Ivanovna
Romanyshyn, Robert
Roscoe, Will,
Rossbach, Stefan
Rossetti, Dr Francesca
Roszak, Theodore
Rowan, John
Rubinstein, Richard,
Ryan, Jim
Ryzl, Milan,
Safi, Louay M
Samuels, Andrew Prof.
San Roque, Craig Ph.D
Sanford, Rev. John A.
Sangharakshita, Ven Maha Sthavira
Sardello, Robert
Segundo, Juan Luis,
Selby, Peter
Sells, Benjamin
Sergeyev, Genady
Sessions, George
Shamas, Laura Annawyn
Shamdasani, Sonu,
Shehu, Salisu
Sheldrake, Rupert
Sinetar, Marsha
Singer, Thomas M.D.
Sircar, Rina
Skinner, Quentin
Skolimowski, Henryk
Smith, Huston
Smith, Morton
Sobrino, Jan
Some, Malidoma
Somé, Sobonfu
Spangler, David
Spiegelman, J. Marvin
Spretnak, Charlene
Stein, Murray
Stepanyants, Marietta
Stevens, Anthony
Still, Suzan
Stoddart, William
Stone, Merlin
Storr, Anthony
Stroud, Joanne,
Sutherland, R. L.
Sutherland, Stewart
Swimme, Brian
Swing, Bishop William E.
Tarnas, Richard
Tart, Charles T.
Taylor, Charles
Thomas, Barbara Earl
Thomas, Gail PhD
Thompson, William Irwin
Thurman, Robert A.F.
Tompkins, Peter
Torbert, Bill
Trammell, Robert
Tutu, Desmond
Ulansey, David Ph.D.
Vaughan, Francis
Ventura, Michael,
Verner, Tom
Von Riberstein, Johannes Rogalla
Wagar, Warren
Walsh, Roger Roger
Wapnick, Kenneth
Warner, Marina
Washburn, Michael
Wasson, R. Gordon
Watkins, Mary,
Weisstub, Eli M.D
Welwood, John
Whan, Michael,
Whitfield, Carol
Whitmore, Diana
Whitney, Dr. Elizabeth
Wiener, Philip
Wilber, Ken,
Wilkinson, Tanya,
Williams, Rowan, Dr.
Williamson, Mariane
Wilmer, Harry A.
Wilson, Colin
Wollheim, Richard,
Woolger, Roger Ph.D
Young, Dudley,
Zohar, Danah
Zoia, Luigi
Zweig, Connie